Tax Information

What do property taxes pay for?

When you call the police or fire department, play in a park, send your children to public school, check out a book at the library, or eat at an inspected restaurant, you are using services paid for by your property taxes. Your taxes also pay for services to help people move from welfare to work, protect children and senior citizens from abuse and neglect, protect our water and air from pollution, repair and build roads, and much more. Property taxes are a large source of revenue that fund these services you count on every day. For more information about Mecklenburg County’s budget and services funded by your property taxes, visit

What property is taxed?

Property taxes are levied on real property (land and buildings), business personal property, registered motor vehicles, boats, trailers, and income-producing personal property. You pay taxes to Mecklenburg County and the municipality in which you live. If you live in Charlotte, Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville, Matthews, Mint Hill, or Pineville, you receive one tax bill for both county and municipal taxes. If you live in Stallings, you will receive a bill from the County and a bill from the town. Property owners in unincorporated Mecklenburg County pay additional taxes for their share of police services through the Law Enforcement Service District Tax.

How much will I pay in taxes?

The amount of property tax you pay is based on the assessed value of your property. The Tax Assessor assesses the value of all taxable property by the first of each year. The tax you pay is based on that value and the tax rate established by the elected city, county, or town officials. (Multiply the tax rate by each $100 of assessed value). For example, the tax bill for a home assessed at $200,000 in value is $1,633.20 for County taxes and $874.00 for Charlotte taxes.

What is the solid waste fee on my tax bill?

Owners of residential properties within Mecklenburg County pay a County solid waste fee of $15 per residence, which funds recycling and waste reduction programs. Residential properties within the City of Charlotte and Huntersville are subject to both a County and City solid waste fee. The Charlotte fee, which funds the disposal cost of trash collected in Charlotte, is $45 per single-family residence and $27 per multiple-family residence. The Huntersville fee is $54.00. The Davidson fee is $201.00 for singlefamily residence and up to $85.00 for multiple-family residence.

How do I change my address on my tax bill?

To change your mailing address for real estate and personal property tax bills, please visit and click Departments, Tax Collections to access the change instructions. For all registered motor vehicle tax bills, contact the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Address information for registered motor vehicles come directly from DMV. Please change your address within their offices, and they will send the corrected address information to the Tax Assessor’s Office the next time you renew your license tag.